That is, suspend() puts a Continuation ( and therefore the execution of the current method) on hold until either its timeout expires or another thread calls resume(). 就是说,suspend()使Continuation(因此也包括当前方法的执行)处于暂停状态,直到超出时限,或者另一个线程调用resume()。
To suspend the execution of threads in the Debug view, select a running thread and click Suspend in the Debug view toolbar. 要在Debug视图中挂起执行线程,选择一个运行线程,单击Debug视图工具栏中的Suspend。
Wait functions, in both Windows and Linux, suspend the execution of the current process until it completes, but in Windows there is an option to exit by specifying a time value. 在Windows和Linux中,等待函数会挂起当前进程的执行,直到它完成等待,不过,在Windows中可以选择在指定的时间后退出。
When execution reaches the suspend() call the second time, the RetryRequest exception is not thrown, and execution continues as normal. 当执行第二次发生suspend()调用时,RetryRequest异常不会被抛出,执行照常进行。
This is because the sleep function actually makes a call into kernel space to suspend the application and then effectively halts the execution and waits for the kernel to wake it up again. 这是因为sleep函数实际上是执行了一次对内核空间的调用,从而将应用程序的执行挂起了,然后有效地暂停执行,并等待内核再次将其唤醒。
Suspend execution of a batch file. 挂起批处理文件的执行过程。
All state-owned and state-controlled financial enterprise shall, under the relevant provisions, suspend the execution of equity incentive plans and employee stock ownership plans. 各国有及国有控股金融企业根据有关规定暂时停止实施股权激励和员工持股计划。
In its annual work report, the Supreme People's Court last week instructed lower courts to suspend death sentences for two years if an immediate execution is not deemed necessary. 最高人民法院年度工作报告中指出,如果无需即刻执行,各地方法院可将死刑缓刑两年。
Stop statements anywhere in procedures to suspend execution. 语句放在过程的任何地方以中止执行。
To control the execution of processes, the kernel must be able to suspend the execution of the process running on the CPU and resume the execution of some other process previously suspended. 为了能够控制进程的执行,内核必须能够暂停正在CPU上运行的进程,唤醒另一个之前暂停的进程的执行。
As you can see, I have modified the code so that rather than sitting in busy loops, a and b instead call the C-runtime function sleep to suspend execution for1 and4 seconds, respectively. 正如您可以看到的,我们对清单1中的代码进行了修改,现在a函数和b函数不再只处理繁忙的循环了,而是分别调用C运行时函数sleep来挂起执行1秒和4秒。
Mobile Agent technology offers a new computing paradigm in which program, in the form of a software Agent, can suspend its execution on a host computer, transfer itself to another Agent-based host on the network,, and resume execution on the new host. 移动代理技术提供了一个新的计算方式,即程序以软件代理的形式出现,它能在一台主机上停止对它的执行,通过移动到第一台主机上恢复执行。
A mobile agent can suspend its execution at an arbitrary point, transport itself to another machine, and then resume execution from the point of suspension. 它可以在任意的执行点挂起,将自己传送到另外一个网络平台,然后在这个新的平台上,从挂起点继续执行;
When it is used, a job that never self-suspend is blocked at most once, and the duration of blocking is bounded from above by the maximum execution time of critical sections of lower-priority jobs. 使用该协议,一个作业不可能挂起自己,其至多被优先级低的作业阻塞一次,且阻塞时间仅为一个临界区的执行时间。
Combined with practical condition of engineering, it determines suspend model plan of extractive thread through discussing construction requirement of concrete deck and comparing methods, introduces its execution and demonstrates its rationality, which to ensure prime construction and safety. 结合工程实际情况,通过论述混凝土桥面的施工要求以及方法比较,确定了精轧螺纹吊模方案,介绍了该方案的实施方法并论证了其合理性,保证了该工程施工安全优质完成。